
The combination of a 100% organic and natural gut healing probiotic and microbiome restorer as well as a magnesium supplement makes this Constipation Combo the ultimate defence mechanism in fighting constipation naturally.

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The easiest and healthiest first step to curbing constipation is to change your diet.  Eat whole real unprocessed food and always fill at least half your plate with a variety of vegetables. Then consider the following supplements:


A big constipation culprit is magnesium deficiency. We don’t eat enough of this underrated mineral (magnesium-rich foods include nuts, beans and greens), plus things like chronic stress, too much caffeine and sugar and toxic overload often deplete magnesium levels.  Even if you eat plenty of magnesium-rich foods, you probably need to supplement to get optimal levels.  Consider supplementing with 200 mg to 1,000 mg of magnesium citrate daily. Gradually increase the dose until you go once or twice a day.  If you take too much, you will get loose stools. If that happens, back off a bit.


A healthy gut microbiome (good bacteria) is crucial for optimal bowl movement.  Taking a good quality probiotic on a daily basis will also assist in curbing constipation.

Then lastly, exercise is a great laxative.  So move your body everyday to help move those bowels.  And very important – don’t forget water.  Hydration is critical, so drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water each day.

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